Bomvital Forte Drops


Bomvital Forte Syrup and drops is a multivitamins for kids fortified with Omega 3 Fatty acids, Lysine, CGF, and essential vitamins very ideal for a growing child.

What are the benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

  • Helps reduce the risk factors for heart disease;
  • Helps improve eye health;
  • Helps improve both physical and mental health;
  • Helps decreases lung inflammation and improves lung function for asthmatic patients;
  • Helps to treat skin disorders.


What are the benefits of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)?

  • Helps promote faster growth of the child through rapid production of cells;
  • Helps stimulates the repair of damaged tissues;
  • Helps enhances immune systems.


What are the benefits of Lysine?

  • Helps promote healthy appetite;
  • Helps improve calcium absorption.


Bomvital Forte Syrup SKU and Price:

  • Bottle of 30 ml; P115.00
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